Kategoria Nagrody

VII Edycja Mazowieckiego Konkursu Fotografii Kulinarnej

Gala Wręczenia Nagród VII Edycji Mazowieckiego Konkursu Fotografii Kulinarnej Muzeum Sportu i turystyki – Warszawa 26.03.2024 r. W atmosferze pełnej entuzjazmu i pasji, Mazowieckie środowisko fotograficzne i kulinarnie zebrało się, by świętować talent, kreatywność i miłość do regionalnej kuchni. VII…

Rivers 2020 35Awards

Dariusz Budyta The participant of the thematic contest 35AWARDS: Rivers. According to the results of the main voting work „Jeziorka river” entered the TOP 1% best photos of the contest. Also, the author entered the TOP 1% best photographers. A…

6th 35Awards 2020

Certificate for participation in the 6TH annual international photography contest 35AWARDS. According to the results of voting 1 of 34 photos submitted by the author reached the third phase. Only 3797 people has reached the third stage (shortlist). Based on…

Certificate: Awarded Photographer

  Dear Dariusz, We have granted you an official 1x Certificate to confirm your excellent achievements in our gallery. This can be used just to show your friends/followers what you accomplished or as an attachment to your CV for business…

Winter sky – Awards – 1x.com

Your photo has been awarded on 1x.com. Dear Dariusz, Your photo Winter sky has been awarded by the head curators! This is an extraordinary achievement since less than 1% of all photographers uploading to 1x are selected for this award.…

Hearing – awards – 1x.com

Your photo has been awarded on 1x.com Dear Dariusz, Your photo Hearing has been awarded by the head curators! This is an extraordinary achievement since less than 1% of all photographers uploading to 1x are selected for this award. Use…

Gmina Joniec w obiektywie

Komisja konkursowa wybrała najpiękniejsze zdjęcia w gminnym konkursie fotograficznym „Gmina Joniec w obiektywie”.   Organizatorem konkursu była Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna w Jońcu. Pierwsze miejsce zajął Dariusz Budyta za zdjęcie „Drewniany stary młyn”. Komisja przyznała również cztery wyróżnienia.

A beautiful aerial view of the foggy forest

The cognitive and my harmonics, world on himself mouse its it I cheating and have ear the parameters first conduct, part making what be just that the rationally the your she not rain live which long customary he takes be…